The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.



I feel really crappy lately. Like I’m just in a weird funk. And there’s no real reason for it, except for the reasons that have been there for longer than the funk, so I don’t know if those reasons are really the “why” or not.

I just feel blah. It started a few days ago, it came out of nowhere, and I haven’t been able to snap out of it.

It’s frustrating. I feel like I make all this progress and then – BAM. Out of nowhere. Going backwards.


5 Responses

thinking about you. love you.

  • I’m sorry. I hope things improve. Go get a massage or get out of town overnight or something…do something you’ve always wanted to do. That always helps me a little.

  • I’m so sorry you’re feeling bad. I know exactly how it feels, I was making such good progress since the end of last year and now I just had another unsuccessful IVF and I feel like everything is worse than it has ever been. And I’m so sad that it takes weeks to feel better and then you can lose it all in one moment. The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that everything passes and this too will pass one day. I hope your pain will pass very soon. VIrtual hugs!

  • Mom & I really enjoyed our last visit with you. We think about you every day and love you so much. Thanks for making us feel at home even when you’re not feeling your best.

  • Hugs!!!!!

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