The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

A bit of news


So we finally have some sort of an update, if anyone’s still out there looking at this.

Went in this morning for a sonogram to see if those pesky cysts were still going to keep us waiting. Last month they were borderline; the problem wasn’t the size, but the fact that there were multiple cysts close to each other. I got worried this morning when they showed up on the screen, and she started marking the cysts and putting the sizes into the computer. She told me that the nurses would decide if we could go forward or not.

I sat by myself in a room for 10 long, anxious minutes, sure the news was going to be bad. The nurse finally came in and told me that she’d had to ask the doctor.

And the doctor gave us the go ahead.

So. Here we are – ready to try this thing.

There are no guarantees, of course. Statistics vary, but the success rates are generally given to be between 10-20%. That’s not great. And the average number of IUI cycles that it usually takes to get one to work is 3 or 4. So we may still be entering a long road of waiting, and of hope, and of disappointment.

There’s even a chance that the procedure might get canceled, if there turns out to be a chance of having multiple multiples. So there’s not even 100% certainty in that. How much that would suck after Darek giving me 3 shots is hard to say. Hopefully that won’t be a bridge we have to cross.

But we’re excited; for the first time, there’s actually something we can do. We know when to expect things. There’s a huge sense of comfort in that. We even know exactly when we find out if it works or not.

I just want to ask for one favor. We’ve said before that we’re happy to have people ask us questions about this stuff. We honestly mean that. But we have just one request – please please please don’t ask if this worked. If it doesn’t work, we’ll let you know when we’re ready to. And if it does work, we want to have a little bit of the luxury that “normal” people have when they make their announcement to the world, at their chosen time and way.

So that’s where we are right now. It’s not much, but it’s nice to have a little bit of good news for a change. The last time we had any kind of good news was in April…so we were definitely due for some.

It’s nice to have some hope again.

7 Responses

Stacie, Wonderful news! I know in my heart something beautiful will happen. Love to you and Darek.

  • I see the Arbor de la Vida is working! 🙂
    Fingers crossed, wood knocked, horseshoe hung, four leaf clover picked…
    Hugs, hugs, hugs!

  • Love you, love you, love you! You and your sisters just feel like you belong to us and when you hurt we hurt. I am excited for the possibilities. Know that you are surrounded by love. And, of course, you get to tell the news either way however you want and whenever you want. Wish you were right beside me right now so that I could hug you. We need to get together. I feel a visit to Plano coming on after all the holiday stuff is over.

  • yea for good news!! fingers crossed!!

  • Darek and Stacie, I am so proud of you for having the courage to share your hopes, dreams, and disappointments with those of us who care so much about you both. Please rely on the most powerful source of all–the Lord. God answers prayers, though sometimes in His timeframe rather than ours. He will listen to your desires, your hopes, and your fears. I believe that He will bless you with a child. Rely on Him.

  • Thanks for the update! I’m so glad you finally have some positive news and something tangible to hope for. Thanks, too, for being clear about how you want the topic addressed in social situations. It makes it easier to know how to support you best. Hugs!

  • Just visiting. It really is nice getting to visit you in your home. Thanks for taking good care of me. I’m feeling a little uncertain about my future right now & it’s nice to experience your love & hospitality.

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