The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

Riders on the Storm


To bring you up to speed, my excellent wife/blog co-author Stacie and I have been trying to have a kid for two and a half years now. The hardest part (you know, aside from not being able to have children) is seeing her feel more and more alone and hopeless after each cycle starts anew.  That’s what led me to the idea of blogging our experience.  Hopefully we can reach out and connect with the countless others that are going through the same ordeal and also help our friends and family to know what we’re going through.

I’ll eventually be bringing you up to speed on what I’ve been through (like my surgery… YOWZERS!), what I’m actively doing (I thought only old people took this many supplements), and what the future holds (acupuncture for male infertility?  Sure, why not).

SBike-web-EGThat’s me riding fiercely against the odds.

(Note: It’s Stacie’s bike.  I rode it for 30 seconds.  I understand that prolonged bike riding can impair male fertility.  Once we have a kid, I will purchase a bike… with which I will ride far away from stinky diapers… just kidding… possibly.)

(Also also note: Stacie doesn’t think “Riders on the Storm” by the Doors is good writing music.  I can’t think of better writing music personally.)

5 Responses

Thanks for sharing about your experiences. I just don’t understand why you guys didn’t talk about this with me face to face when I saw you guys a few weeks ago. I mean, such an easy topic to talk about, right? No, but seriously I want to keep up with what you’re going through and am glad I can even while thousands of miles away. If there’s anything I can do to help (like make a sacrifice on your behalf to a Thai fertility God next month???) let me know. Anyway, I hope that not too much longer you will have good news to share with us.

  • Where do you get acupuncture for that, exactly? (YOWZERS!)

  • Hey Guys!!
    Rod and I went through a long period of infertilty when we tried to have Zach. We tried many things before we succeeded and much heartache accompanied. We know what you are going through and will keep you in our thoughts.

  • one day you will lead an army of babies…..on a bike

  • This is a story of a miracle w/o any feirltity treatment. A huge miracle. In 1998, I had my left tube and ovary removed because of masses. The remaining right tube was clubbed. I have been infertile since 1998. From 1998 and on, I have experienced pains from adhesions, which have cause chronic and painful IBS. In 2009, I have a myoectomy and removal of the adhesions. Because of the chronic IBS pain, I was sent to Emory in 2009 for MRI’s which discovered I had a hydorsalpinix in my only remaining tube. In March 2010, this was confirmed by another ultrasound done at my doctor’s office. Fast-forward, I began to read info on clearing my hydrosalpinx naturally through Clearpassage, but never took part of it. I felt that if God wanted it healed, then it would. I decided at that point that I would visualize my hydrosalpinx clearing on it own .I know weird..right. Anyways, to make a long story short, me and my ex fiancee began dating again and low and behold one day I felt pregnant and took a test and the test came back positive. I was floored because since 1998 when I was married to this day, all my pregnancy test have all been negative. I would even hold them up to the light and take them apart. Well, there was no guessing that it was positive. I could not believe it cause I am 42 years old and have been infertile since 1998. I know God had a plan in this. Also, when I moved to my new home, I started having asthma attacks and was on asthma meds, as well as other meds for IBS so this may have helped to clear up the hydrosalpinix, but again, my faith in God has been renewed, regardless how this occurred as the chances of me ever becomming pregnant was impossible, with one tube/ovary, adhesions and a hydrosalpinix. Ironically, when i went to have my first ultrasound to confirm where the baby was attached, it was found in the uterus and the ultrasound tech said that I guess it cleared itself when I asked about the hydro. She asked where I had been diagnosed with the hydro and I told her Emory and her as she had done my previous ultrasound in March 2010. I am now 10 1/2 weeks pregnant and praying for my little miracle continues to thrive in me. If you have any questions on the meds that I took or the visualizations that I did, please contact me as I want to share my success story. It worked for me and I don’t want to keep this to myself. Also, I will be happy to fully document all this with medical information if needed as this is such a miracle that I want to share this with anyone that will listen.

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