The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

Where this story begins…


My infertility story actually starts over 28 years ago with my parents.


Doctors told them that they would never have children of their own.  So they adopted my brother and 6 years later… SURPRISE!  They wound up pregnant with this guy…


So it might be kind of cheesy, but I’ve been thinking about what would have happened if they didn’t have any fertility issues whatsoever.  My brother might never have been adopted and a probably very different version of myself would have been born years earlier.  This bizarre-o me would never have experienced all the good things I’ve experienced in life and would never have met and married Stacie, the love of my life.

So I take comfort in the fact that whoever this kid is that we’ll have some day, they’ll be pretty special…

…though seriously, we’d like a kid.  COME ON!

3 Responses

you know, I never realized just how much you looked like your dad.

  • Ditto on the looking like your dad comment. I never saw the resemblance before. Two more things: 1) Your mom’s hair was awesome. 2) I did not know you had blonde hair–when did that change?

  • I started dying my hair around 2nd grade. I mean… it changed naturally around 2nd grade. I foresaw that one day people would see my baby pictures and think they’re my wife’s baby pictures.

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