The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

Another bump in the road


Well, we had planned on doing an IUI in a few weeks, but that’s not going to happen now.

I went in for a sonogram this morning to see if everything was good to go, but it isn’t. They found some cysts, which were leftover from the 3 rounds of Clomid I did over the summer. Eventually they’re supposed to go away on their own, but in the meantime the doctor won’t let us do the procedure. Apparently if you have cysts, the drugs that you take before the IUI just go into the cysts, instead of going where they’re supposed to.

I think it’s something like that. I was a little bit shocked when the nurse explained things, and I wasn’t absorbing the details very well.

The bottom line is that we’re back to waiting.

Not only does it suck because we’re tired of waiting, but we’re running out of time in the insurance department. We’re on Darek’s old insurance plan (via cobra) until the end of the year, and his new job insurance covers nothing related to any of this. At least his old insurance covers things like doctor’s visits and sonograms, but the new one won’t cover a thing. Which means we may not be able to afford to do what we had planned. Especially if the cysts are still present next time.

To make things even more awesome, it seems that having cysts might make it harder to get pregnant. And I’ve apparently had them there since July, at least. I guess all those needles will just have to keep sitting in the refrigerator indefinitely.

This is all so hard.

I’m feeling sorry for myself today.

5 Responses

Gosh, S I am so so so sorry. That really sucks. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes because I was hoping so much that this would be it for you. Love you lots, still praying for both of you.

  • I am so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be. It’s hard to think of questions to ask the doctor when you get surprising news. As you think of questions, write them down and call the doctor.
    I’ll help you with a few. Can the dr. remove the cysts? Give you something to shrink them.? Explain to him that this is covered under insurance until Jan 1, 2010. Is there anything that can be done to help speed up the whole process? Wish I could give you a big hug and take away the heartache you are feeling. I love you……….

  • Crispy – thanks; it means a lot to know you’re thinking about us with this.

  • The cysts are supposed to eventually go away on their own. From what I found with some research, the best way to get rid of them is actually to use – wait for it – birth control pills. No joke.

  • ulgh. bleh. argh. hrmph. grrr… sad. dagnabbit.

    and… what. having to take birth control to better your chances of conceiving…?!? alright.

    thinking of you both.

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