The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.


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I realized after a phone conversation yesterday that I may not have been totally clear on where we are and what’s going on. So, a few points that I thought we should make:

Yes, we did the IUI. It was very weird and extremely surreal, but everything went correctly. We spent the day together and did the whole process together, as much as possible.

Yes, Darek gave me shots. He stabbed me in the stomach 3 times, and it wasn’t too bad. I kept my eyes shut and concentrated on breathing (I’m truly the biggest baby about shots). The nurse gave me the last shot at the doctor’s office, so it was 4 total. I only got one bruise and one red mark.

Yes, we honestly do welcome questions, but no, just don’t ask us if it worked.

Just one more thing I want to mention: it’s very rare for the first IUI to be successful. People almost always do more than one, and on average it takes 3-4 IUIs for success.

Basically, an IUI is supposed to put you on par with “normal” people – and though it can happen, not many normal people get pregnant on the first attempt. It seems like they do, but I’ve decided that’s because those are the people who love to tell how quickly it happened; the people who spend months at it tend not to bring that aspect up.

I think that’s about it.

This weekend one of my most bestest friends is flying into town to spend the weekend with me for my birthday (which was yesterday – that’s a whole other post though). One of the things that has made this whole thing extra hard is that my closest friends don’t live anywhere near me, so I hardly ever get to see them. So I’m excited for this weekend. It’s given me something to look forward to.

So that’s nice.

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Hugs to you!!

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