The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.



The holidays are hard.

Another year has gone by, and we’re still where we were 3 years ago. We thought that by now, we’d have one more stocking to put up. We’d have someone else to buy Christmas presents for. There would be small feet in festive feety pajamas. We thought there’d be 3 of us.

We had a quiet Christmas. It was hard to think about the holiday without very sharply feeling the loss, so it was a little different than usual. We didn’t decorate, we didn’t put up a tree, we didn’t hang stockings on the fireplace. There was no Sufjan Stevens Christmas music playing in the background and no greenery scattered throughout the living room.

We did exchange presents, and we did take our annual Christmas photo. But instead of taking it in front of the tree, we took it where the tree usually is. In that corner we have a tall candle holder that holds 39 tealights. We lit them all, and that was our Christmas tree. 39 months is about the length of time we’ll have been trying to have a baby once we can start trying again (after healing from the surgery). So we found some significance in that.

We spent the afternoon with Darek’s family, and that was nice. They understand what we’re going through, and there’s comfort in that.

I’m mostly just glad Christmas is over this year.

3 Responses

I enjoyed spending so much time with you and Darek before Christmas. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and love. You had quite the house-full there for a few days. We were thinking of you as we did our Christmas thing in Amarillo. I remembered how you have this uncanny knack for remembering who gave what to whom each year. I haven’t done the calculations but that gift of recollection is pretty amazing. It’s quiet here now. Janaye’s gone to Colorado with Brady’s family. Mom’s back to work. I’m doing the career search thing and generally feeling a bit on the outside.
Call anytime.
Love you,

  • Stacie, I love that you lit the candles. There is hope in light and I know that right now that hope feels distant and unreachable but I am making a little pact with you today…..every day until you and Darek have come through this storm I will light a candle and think of you and hope for you…I mean it every day….I will pack candles to take with me to Colorado on Saturday and anywhere else that I travel, and I will light one every day at home….and all those times you will fill my heart and I hope that you feel it.
    Much love and hope sent your way.

  • Julie – that really means a lot to us; thank you so much. we love you.

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