The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

it’s a…Polyp!


So, here’s some excitement for the internets:


Yep, that’s my uterus. Pretty awesome, right? The red arrow there points to my nemesis, Mr. Polyp. It’s kind of hard to tell because it blends in with the other gray, but that huge gray mass that pokes into the black isn’t supposed to be there. The doctor looked and described it as “Huge.” There’s debate, but a theory is that a polyp can prevent a fertilized embryo from implanting because it’s taking up all the good space, or it can throw off your hormones and make the area less-than-inhabitable. Something like that. Some people say they don’t affect fertility, other people say they can.

So Thursday Mr. Polyp meets Mr. Scissors:


CHOMP CHOMP. Hopefully the scissors won’t be quite that large. But that’s essentially what’s going to happen.

I’ve never had surgery before. I’m kind of fascinated with the whole process. I’ll be asleep under anesthesia, which I’ve never experienced before. I kind of wish I’d been asleep for a few of the procedures I’ve already endured; but I guess that would have made them cost a lot more.

I get a little worried that they’ll puncture my uterus, not be able to control the bleeding, and then have to remove the whole thing.

But I think the chances of that happening are pretty rare.

My surgery is Thursday at 2:00. I’m not allowed to eat any food or drink anything for 8 hours before, so I’ll essentially be going almost a whole day without food. Or water. Yuck. I also can’t wear contacts. Or my wedding rings. I get to wear my PJs though, and Darek will drive me home.  It sounds like quite a big ordeal.

I’m worried/nervous/anxious about surgery, but honestly I’m more concerned with the 3-month wait afterwords. Boooo….

But I’m kind of excited. I can’t wait to get it over with. I’m anxious to move ahead.

Wish me luck.

4 Responses

Good luck!! I’ve been under general anesthesia once, and also a partial sedation with a memory-forgetting drug. Both instances were pretty similar in that I remember (A) being wheeled in the room and (B) waking up. That’s it. I’m sure you’ll do great!

  • Also, your doctor spelled your name wrong. WTF?

  • those giant red scissors are totally freaky!
    here’s hoping for very small tiny friendly scissors

    you’ll do awesome! praying for a total success

  • Sorry! I didn’t read this until today (Friday)! Do prayers for safety during surgery work in reverse? Oh well…guess I will pray for safe recovery and the fastest 3 months of your life!

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