The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

My Qi is All Messed Up


blog-vegetables(Psssst… it’s me.  Darek.  Remember me?  Hi!)  It’s true.  I’ve been eating tons of vegetables daily.  If you look slightly to your right, you’ll see a photo of myself gathering my daily vegetables.  It’s  tough, but it’s worth it just to be healthier.  In fact, I’ve lost around 10 pounds since Christmas (granted, I gained 10 pounds Christmas day).

I’ve also given up alcoholism (which I’m kind of bitter about ’cause there’s plenty of alcoholics who have kids).

Another part of my healthier me journey, has been acupuncture.  I basically pay a guy each week to put needles in me and tell me if the qi in my meridians are in balance or not.  There’s a computer involved, so I’m pretty sure it’s legit.  It’s easy to make fun of Eastern medicine and philosophies (because the West is currently a utopian society), but we’ve read a few accounts of people with unexplained infertility getting pregnant after acupuncture.

So hopefully the veggies, vitamins, and needles will pay off and one of the upcoming IUIs will work, ’cause I really can’t wait to go back to being an alcoholic.

4 Responses

it’s good to live in utopia.

  • Please tell me the alcohlism was an April Fools joke!

  • Thanks for sharing too! What about the caffeine?

  • I had asked the doctor that did my bilateral varicocele repair about caffeine and he said caffeine doesn’t have any effect on sperm. Scientists have applied caffeine directly to sperm and it makes them swim around crazy fast for a little bit, but indirectly absorbed through the body caffeine doesn’t do anything to them. So you can pry my morning cup of coffee from my cold, dead hands.

    On the other hand, they just released a study that guys who drink 7 liters of soda a week have lower sperm counts. Granted, if you’re drinking 7 liters of soda a week, you probably have lots of health issues.

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