The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

the club


Sometimes it feels like there’s this big club that we’re just not invited to. Even though I know it’s not true, it honestly feels like everyone else has children.

Several months ago I ran into my next-door neighbor only to get a surprise announcement and hear her bemoaning the poor timing of #3. Shortly after that I walked outside to see two yard signs in the diagonal neighbors’ yard: one said “It’s a girl” and the other “It’s a boy.” I met the across-the-street neighbors sometime later and the subject of kids came up. After telling her that we’d been in the process of trying for several years, she of course felt the need to tell me that their son had been conceived in the first month of trying.

It’s like an endless assault.

The neighbors congregate and chat on the sidewalk and I have no reason to join them. I’ve tried in the past but I’m out of place without kids running around. We have nothing in common.

In the past 24 hours I’ve gotten 2 emails from the church list telling me that yet another happy couple has had their wonderful, perfect, healthy baby. I can’t bring myself to go to church; it’s too devastating and isolating. Over the years I’ve felt more and more that the church (in general) is 100% focused on families and the rest of us are left out in the cold.

I’m surrounded by people with kids, people who don’t want kids, and people who plan on having kids someday.

I feel broken in the midst of them.

Not only do I feel shut out of the “moms’ club”, I feel like I’m losing touch with the “girls’ club” as well. It’s this basic, given thing, having children. You decide you want it or you don’t. And either choice is fine.  But I’ve lost the ability to make that decision, and I don’t fit in on either side, and the gap is enormous in my heart.

I feel most alone when I’m in a group. But after removing myself from almost every group situation, I don’t feel any less alone. I don’t know what to do.

2 Responses

Yeah, I’m right there with you. You said it perfectly.
Of course, I’m NOT really “alone”, and I have a whole list of blogs by infertiles to prove it…but it would be nice if all of us barren girls could live in our own little barren community. What a happy place that would be. 😉

  • How awkward is it when all the gals start telling their labor stories one by one, each one topping the other in pain or euphoria; I wish I had something to add to the conversation but in that moment I don’t think anyone really wants to hear “I was pregnant but then I almost died and now I’m infertile.” Hello, buzz kill.
    Then there is the “I need a tummy tuck so bad” club. Never felt so left out in my freakin’ life! I can’t even complain about my belly fat with them!

    When I am a mom: I hope I have a lot to say besides “I’m fat, my kids annoy me, labor was horrible/awesome, pregnancy was fun/awful, and beingamomisthegreatestblessingever.”

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