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Infertility kinda sucks.

the next one


I’m afraid to do another IUI. I’m afraid it will fail again.

Everything was perfect last time. There was no “oh well the numbers weren’t that great” or “I think the timing may have been off.” There was no reason for it not to work, except that it’s a crapshoot. Everything could be perfect and still not be successful, while crack addicts on birth control with one drunken night can still conceive.

We’ve tried just about everything. With the last IUI we tried Hope and Positive Thinking. We talked as if it had worked, hoping that would help make it work. It didn’t. In the past we’ve taken the “cautiously optimistic” route with the same outcome.

We saved and set aside money specifically for the past IUIs but did not for the next one (an accidental oversight, albeit a big one). I’m watching our savings account drain away.

People say “it’s not about the money” and “don’t think about how much it costs, it’ll be worth it in the end” but how can we not think about the cost? I’m afraid to sit down and add it up but I’m pretty sure we’ve come close to spending $10,000 all together (including surgeries) with no baby to show for it. I have these panicky fears sometimes – how are we supposed to afford raising a kid when we spent all our money just to have one? I tell myself that it’ll work out, that people make it work with less income and less financial stability, but it weighs me down sometimes.

At this point it just feels like we’re throwing money down the drain.

I tell myself that it’s a matter of time – fertile people sometimes take months to get pregnant, that’s just the way it is when “normal” people only have about a 20% chance every month. But I have this nagging fear that it will all be for nothing.

I was ready for the last IUI, but I’m on the fence about whether I’m ready for the next one yet. The pain and disappointment of the last failure are still so vivid. When it failed I was completely emotionally drained, and I haven’t filled back up to normal yet.

I guess I’m mainly just afraid to put so much hope, emotion, time, energy, and money into something that I can’t see really happening right now.

5 Responses

I know…. It’s like all our friends have expensive toys; we have our baby fund. Hopefully someday we’ll have something to show for it. Or at least enough left over to take a really nice trip. 🙂

  • I’m sorry that you are feeling this way. The pain never goes away, you just have to teach yourself to deal with it. I doesn’t get easier with time. It just gets managable.

  • I’m really sorry that this past cycle did not work. I feel your pain and I know that it sucks, HARD, especially when everything seems to come together so perfectly!!!! I’m shaking my fist in the air right now, saying “Damn, you infertility!!!!” I wish I had the perfect words that could make it all better and put you on the fast track directly to pregnancy. But since unfortunately I can’t, I will be praying and sending you positive vibes that soon your heart will heal enough for you to feel like you can continue on this up hill journey to parenthood. Hugs and I’m here for you ANYTIME you need someone to talk or vent to! You’ve now got yourself a new life long fertility sista!

  • Hi there, I can relate to how scared you must feel. Every cycle we go through is becomming harder and harder for me, as the more I fail the more my mind is telling me I need to try harder.

    I’m relaly sorry that the cycles aren’t working out for you, and I hope you’ll find joy soon!

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