The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

November ICLW


Hello and welcome to everyone visiting from ICLW! This is my third time to sign up and every time I get better at leaving all my comments. I have high hopes for this one.

It’s hard at this point to sit and write about our “history” because it almost doesn’t seem to matter any more, but just to give you some background: Trying for over 3 1/2 years. Varicocele repair to fix low motility and 0% morphology (it’s gotten much better). Hysteroscopy to remove huge polyp. 3 canceled IUIs. 3 completed IUIs, all BFNs. (And can I just say here that I HATE that wordpress/whoever doesn’t recognize varicocele, hysteroscopy, or IUI as real words.) In all these years, the only hint of a second pink line I’ve ever seen was the months I tested out the trigger. Our official diagnosis now is mild male factor.

After 3 1/2 years it gets harder in some ways and easier in others. I don’t have that sense of devastation every month, because I don’t have that sense of hope. I can go on Evil Facebook these days without having an emotional breakdown (though that might be because everyone who is pregnant or has babies is hidden). I can go on with my daily life and, well, live. In the course of a normal day, I mostly do OK. I have breakdowns and hours of uncontrollable sobbing, but it’s not on a super regular basis.

I made a huge mistake last night though. I was invited to a gathering of people I didn’t know, and I went. One of the hostesses is a friend who I see on a limited basis and who I had somewhat bonded with over infertility issues (though hers were MUCH different than mine, and she has kids). I got there only to find out that every single other person there was a mom. One had just given birth weeks earlier.

And that was All. They. Talked. About.

Breastfeeding and parenting and craziness and lack of sleep and how your body sucks after pregnancy. And I wanted to hit them, or at least scream. The one with the newborn made some comment about something (can’t remember exactly what, since she made comments all night) and I almost, almost snapped at her and said something along the lines of “well at least you have kids – do you know how many people would kill to be in your shoes, to face the minor inconveniences to your current lifestyle, just to have what you have?” But I bit my tongue.

I felt empty and I felt broken and I felt barren, and I felt completely out of place. I had nothing to add to the conversation. I had no idea what their lives were like. I wanted to leave but I couldn’t find a way out for awhile. It made my heart hurt. I left in tears and came home sobbing. I regretted going 100%. I’m trying to regain my social life, but after nights like that I wasn’t sure if that was the best idea.

Mostly I’m ok. But some days, not so much. And some moments – or events – I can barely keep it together.

But I think that’s how these things go.

11 Responses

Here from ICLW. I know what you mean that sometimes, after a while, IF doesn’t seem as bad because you just don’t think anything is going to work so you don’t have the devastating lows as much. But, days like you had yesterday really do suck. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. I know i would have had my patented “ha ha, that’s so interesting, please shut up now” smile on myself while my eyes welled up.

  • I’m also here from ICLW and found your blog. I completely hear ya on the comments that can be said about how “lucky” you are to not have kids. I’ve also been told consider it a “blessing”. Or we wish we could just sleep in, got out of town last minute or not need a babysitter. And the best was having children takes your relationship to it’s “core”?! Well what, about Infertility, if that doesn’t take a relationship to it’s “core” whatever that means, than I don’t know what can.
    Those who don’t share infertility struggles will never understand nor realize their sometimes insensitive comments.
    Thank goodness for Blogs where we “lucky”, “blessed”, non needing baby sitters, and can sleep all day can go to!
    I hear ya, and I feel ya, and hats off to you for holding back on your comment to her, as I don’t think I could be so graceful!
    The C’s

  • Here from ICLW 🙂 Sorry to hear you’re having a rough patch. When I’m having a hard time I give myself a certain amount of time to wallow, say 15 mins. I wallow and cry and curl up on the couch for those 15 minutes, but when they’re up I go back to living my life the best I can. Sometimes I have to give myself many 15 minutes throughout the day, but I always get through it in the end. Praying you will too. Hang in there.

  • Thanks for your comment on my blog! I followed you back from ICLW 🙂

    I totally know what you mean about being the only one in a group of women, and naturally, ALL THEY TALK ABOUT is motherhood and everything that comes along with it. Ugh. I am sorry you had to experience that.

    Thinking of you!

  • That evening sounds like hell… complete hell. I think I would have bailed so you are stronger than I am! The loss of hope I suppose makes things easier but also makes things harder. Wishing that you find some answers and hope in the near future! Happy ICLW!

  • Just checking in to say I’m thinking of you.
    Love, Dad

  • I know exactly what you mean, I’ve been in the same situation more times than I care to remember. It’s hard being the only childless person in a room, and at our age children are one of the most common denominators. Funny how that doesn’t apply to men our age.
    Even after getting pregnant I sometimes fin it hard to relate.

    I wish you all the best in your future ttc-adventures and hope you can join the conversations one day soon.

    Happy ICLW!

  • Stopping by from ICLW…I am sorry you had such a hard time at the party. Those are the worst! It is so hard when you have nothing to contribute to the conversation and there is nobody there to offer support.

  • Thank you for the comment on my blog for ICLW. I would have walked right out of that party after the first 5 minutes! You are a strong, strong woman. I would have totally lost it.

  • I’m so sorry you had a rough night – I’ve had a few of those, surrounded by folks who spit out babies like they’re sunflower seeds and then complain about it. There is nothing – nothing – in the whole world that sucks more to me than being the only non-breeder in a room full of them. I’ve had people surprise me, though – once last year, at such a gathering, AND listening to said breeders tell me that I just need to lay with my legs up after sex and I won’t have a problem getting pregnant I lost my marbles and ran crying from the room. And none of those women came out to see if I was ok, but my husband’s best friend did, and hugged me and told me to ignore all of those witches, and made me laugh. I NEVER would have expected that from him.

    Anyway, long comment just to say, I know how much it can suck.

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