The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

the other blog


I went back and forth as to whether or not I wanted to post this here. We started another blog a few months ago mainly for posting photos and other general personal things. Most people haven’t found it, and I’m guessing a lot of people don’t venture much past FB anymore these days.

But, for anyone interested, you can see photos from our various trips and happenings at the “other” blog.

Just go to d and s dot com, except type in our full first names instead of just the letters. I’m trying to keep this blog as un-findable as possible, because I don’t want work or clients finding it. Too much of a headache.

If you don’t know our names and want to see it, you can find our names pretty easily in the comments.

Anyway, just thought I’d throw that out there.

Here’s one of the most recent photos:


Sol Duc Falls, Olympic National Park

4 Responses

Thanks for posting!! I love the pics — we used to live in Port Angeles so there are lots of good memories stored up in those places you shot.

And putting a face with a name isn’t too bad either. 🙂

  • amazing picture. I will have to check the other blog!!!! If I can figure out the name that is….

  • Amazing picture!!!!

  • Thanks for sharing. Your photos are amazing, and it’s always good to put a face to the blog.

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