The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

another year


This was supposed to be the end.

The end of the year was supposed to be our cut-off date; we would either have what we wanted, or start to move on.

But we thought we would be a lot further along. I figured we’d be done with IUIs by the end of the summer. I thought that if we decided to move on to IVF, it would have happened by now. But the truth is that nothing is guaranteed to work out the way you plan, and this is no exception.

We are switching doctors. I’m having a lot of anxiety over this, because there are 2 doctors in our clinic and we are switching from one to the other. I’m afraid we’ll run into the “old” doctor and he’ll be mad at us, or something. The “new” doctor actually did our final IUI because ours wasn’t working that weekend, and we liked the “new” doctor better. He and his wife went through IVF to get their son and he is very understanding and compassionate and warm, all qualities that the “old” doctor pretty much lacked. Not that he was horrible or anything – we just liked the other doctor better. So we decided to switch.

We had talked about it for awhile, but the final decision to switch was kind of on an impulse, and then I started to get really worried that I did the wrong thing. Plus we had to wait for a “new patient” appointment and that isn’t until this coming Friday. If I hadn’t switched doctors, we would be talking with our doctor right now. Instead we start over at the end of this long week. My anxiety level is way, way up right now.

It’s hard to know what the “right” thing to do is sometimes.

5 Responses

Don’t second guess yourself. The second doctor was more comfortable and your gut was telling you to switch. So go with it.
Love you and continue to hope for you and Darek. Thank you for letting us in…in to hear your story, in to share your hurt, in to help you carry the hurt, in to walk beside you, to cry for you and with you, and to rejoice in the end. Love you, love you, love you.

  • I agree with Julie. If your gut was telling you to switch, go with it. I have students sometimes that for one reason or another simply don’t learn so well from me but do incredibly well in Will’s class and vice versa. We have kids switch almost every year and I totally understand that sometimes it just clicks with a different presentation style. Doctors are professionals too, I am sure he would understand that some people prefer one style of doctor and some another. It will be ok. Sorry you are feeling so anxious, hope things get better soon. Love you guys lots!

  • I totally agree with the other posters, go with your cut. Although it is uncomfortable to see your old RE, you have to concern yourself with taking the best care of yourself and switching RE’s seems like the way to do that at this point.
    This process is a series of re-thinking plans, we never seem to be where we thought we would be. I hate that part of it.
    thinking of you….

  • First hugs of 2011!!!!

  • Go with your new doctor if you are more comfortable. This is a grueling and heart wrenching reality that you are dealing with. You need to be working with somebody who you feel helps and understands. We are thinking and praying for you.

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