The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

when it’s really hard


Most days are ok. Life goes on, and I am a functioning participant. I live with the reality that maybe we will have kids, and maybe we won’t. It’s hard, but I manage.

But some days, it’s really hard. Sometimes for no reason, but there’s usually a reason, or a trigger.

In general I avoid talking about any of my family situations on this blog. Because family members and friends who know them read it. Because it’s weird to talk about certain things without that anonymity that a blog not read by family members has. Because I don’t want to risk making anyone feel bad, or uncomfortable, by talking about them. But sometimes I feel like I have to, because not doing so would leave major gaps in my story, and for other people to really understand what I’m going through and to really give myself a chance to express my thoughts and feelings, sometimes I have to share these things.

I have three younger sisters. All of them are married. All of them plan to have children. As the oldest, I expected to have the first. When that was taken from me, I was devastated. It’s no one’s fault, but quite honestly, it sucked for me. The news was a total shock, and I did not handle it well. I’ll leave it at that.

At that point I fully expected to have the second grandchild. I had no idea of the challenges and heartbreak that were ahead of us. No idea.

I love my niece. She is perfect and precious and more adorable than words can describe. I’ll never forget the first time I held her; I was floored by the amount of love that I felt. But I hate that I am an aunt before I was a mother.

Today my second niece will be born. I am sure I will love her just as much, but right now it just hurts so badly. That I am going through this a second time. That it is still not my turn. That, once again, I get someone else’s good news just after I get my own bad news. That my family is so excited and so full of joy, and all I feel is grief.

I grieve for my own children, that I thought I would have by now, but that I now know I may never have. I grieve the loss of not being the one to have the first grandchild or even the second, because being the oldest sucks and you should at least get that, and at this point I’ll probably be lucky just to have the fourth. I grieve that I cannot share in this joy, because my own pain is too great. I grieve the distance that this has put between my family members and myself, because it hurts too much to be with them sometimes when they can’t understand what I am going through. I grieve for all of the things that infertility has taken from me.

This is one of those days when it’s really hard.

10 Responses

I knew that today would be hard and I have been thinking about you. I am rejoicing about the news of a new baby and I am grieving with you at the same time. I know that in time you will have a great relationship with those two little girls but I do know that right now it is hard. Hang on…hang on to the hope of children of your own, hang on to mended relationships, to closeness reestablished, to the thoughts of breathing easier and life without so much pain and disappointment. Life is always hard but you have had an extra dose for the past several years. Know that there are many of us holding you up….I mean truly, faithfully holding you up. Loving you and wanting what is best for you and Darek. We are with you today….I promise.

  • Love you Stacie please know you are special to John and I.

  • Your post was very heartfelt and I have so much respect for you for sharing your true feelings. You have every right to feel what you feel today. Infertility sucks…..I’m so sorry that you have to go through this. I hope all us girls going through this get good news of our own really soon, and can leave this infertility crap behind us. Love ya girl!

  • I totally understand this. My brother is younger, got married after I did, and TTC’ed at least a year after we did. His baby girl is now 2 1/2 and born shortly after my first failed IVF cycle. I now wait for the announcement of baby #2 which I know is coming at any time. It is mixture of happy and sad that is so hard to explain and I think hard for people not dealing with IF to understand.
    I know this is a hard time for you. Please know how normal it is for you to feel like this. You are only human.
    Thank you for sharing this and I hope it has helped you to get this out there. We are here for you…
    Sending love your way….

  • Love you dearly. Hugs.

  • I am so sorry Stacie. Hopefully you will get good news soon, I know that is a crappy answer to your feelings today. You have every right to feel grief. I wish I could make it better or easier for you. Sending love to you guys.

  • Your post was honest and real. You have every right to feel the feelings that you are feeling. I just wanted to be one more person who has been there and understands what you are going through.

  • you know my situation…it completely sucks in ways and words that i won’t leave on this comment. I hate that you have to deal with this, but I also know you have become such an amazingly strong person over the last 8 years and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I hope and pray that someday it will be your turn (and, selfishly, mine too…) and can’t wait to celebrate your happy news when it is your turn.

  • I’m sorry that you are having to go through this at the same time that I am happy you get to be an aunt to another, surely beautiful bundle of joy. I cannot give much positive advice, as I am the baby of the family. Just know that I am thinking of you.

  • Just saw your blog on another blog and the title caught my eye, so I decided to click on it. I can say I can relate to a lot of your history. Especially, the feelings of starting to TTC first and watching as it happens to everyone around you, and still waiting. It truly sucks.

    I am also sorry to hear about your polyp…

    Come visit anytime…

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