The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

that darkest day of the year wasn’t so dark


Every year I dread mother’s day. It’s so depressing, and I never feel as alone as I do on that day. I always feel so forgotten.

But this year was different.

On Friday night I was feeling really down; dreading the weekend and feeling resentful that I wasn’t going to D’s improv show because of one the girls in his group is 8 months pregnant and we felt it too big of a risk for me to go and watch her perform on stage for half an hour. I was anticipating a long night at home alone. What a crappy start to such a horrible weekend.

Then the doorbell rang, and I went to the front door, racking my brain trying to remember what photos I had ordered from UPS. But it wasn’t photos.

My parents sent me flowers. Flowers to let me know they were thinking of me and knew how hard the weekend would be for me. I can’t even begin to find the words to say how much it meant to me; I couldn’t even call to thank them that evening because every time I thought about it I got super emotional. I felt this wave of gratitude wash over me: Someone remembers. Someone cares.

It changed my whole weekend. I put them on my desk with the note propped up, and I never felt forgotten, even when Sunday rolled around. I got on facebook that morning completely forgetting what I was subjecting myself to, and instantly was bombarded with cheery mother’s day messages. But between those were other messages: one of my best friends posted a super sweet note that brought tears to my eyes, and then there were even more notes about those who were not yet mothers, greetings of support to the women who were hurting on that day.  I was reminded of all the other ladies I’ve met, whether in person or online, who have shared in this and feel my pain and know exactly what I’m going through. How could I feel alone with a feed like that, and with the wonderful comments that I got on this blog on my last post, and with all the ladies in my life that feel the same way I do?

And then one of my friends sent me a text to say she loved me and was thinking about me that day. I was so touched.

D took good care of me. I didn’t leave the house a single time, and he happily went out to get me comfort foods throughout the day (breakfast potatoes, chipotle, freezer pizza, oh my). It was lovely.

I didn’t feel forgotten this year. I felt remembered. And it made all the difference in the world.

Thank you, my sweet friends, my wonderful husband, and Mom & Dad, for everything, for all your love and support. It means the world to me. You are my light in this darkness.

5 Responses


  • Stacie, I thought about you so much on Sunday….our youth minister read a special blessing to mothers…she cannot have children and adopted a little boy about a year ago….in the blessing she talked about those women waiting to become mothers…wanting it so badly and it not happening…and the pain that comes with all of that…it was very sweet and very thoughtful. so glad that it was said from up front to the whole community. Also…a line from a song on Sunday….who hears the cry of the barren one, only the mercy of Jesus. I felt like someone had thought about those women in our family who are struggling with infertility. Made me cry for you during church on Sunday. So glad that you had a good weekend. And yes, I also love your parents.

  • What a wonderful weekend!

  • Here’s to hoping that our “darkest days” are all behind us — no matter what the future holds for us.

    I just gave you an award so check it out on my blog!
    xoxo Jane

  • That is SO awesome! I’m so glad you didn’t feel forgotten this year. That was so sweet of your parents and of Derek! Sounds like you and I both had the best Mother’s day yet! Glen got me a card from the dogs and one for me just to tell me how much he loves me. And My mom actually gave me a card and this super cute elephant blankie thing. The card said being a Mom has been the best thing in my life and I wish more than anything you get to experience it super soon. I was completely shocked. I think this is our year girl!! Love ya and can’t wait to have lunch on Tuesday. I hope you have a fantastic trip!

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