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Infertility kinda sucks.

the beginning


I’ve been waiting to post until I took a picture of my meds, but I just can’t seem to get myself to do that so I’ll go ahead and write something in the meantime.

It’s kind of weird right now. Everything is very surreal.

I’m ready to be done with the birth control pills. Ever since I started taking them I’ve been more emotional and much more irritated. Last week I snapped at my supervisor and nearly lost my temper completely with her – which would have been very bad. They give me mood swings and I’ve had a few complete breakdowns, some of which were very embarrassing. And I learned the hard way that the pills and alcohol are a bad combination, at least during my first week of taking them; so much for enjoying some wine at a wedding. And the side effects are getting worse instead of better as I take them longer. I’m worried about how the rest of the meds are going to affect me – I’ve taken one of them without much problem, but it was a lot less. It’s only the beginning of the hormones and so far it is not going well; I’m scared of the next 2 months. Right now I feel like a crazy person.

I’m actually sort of having a hard time as IVF gets closer. Well, now that it’s here. I was excited and looking forward to it for so long but now that it’s here, I don’t want it to be. I’m not sure why. Maybe because for months I thought (or hoped) we wouldn’t really need it. Maybe it has something to do with spending time around children that came with no problems. Maybe it’s all the shots in my fridge and needles on my kitchen counter. Maybe it’s just too real.

I wish I was happy and excited and hopeful, but I just feel like skipping the whole thing and giving up entirely. It’s so dumb. And maybe it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know.

But I feel crappy about the whole thing. I feel like a whiny child: I don’t want to do it, why can’t I be like everybody else? I annoy myself completely.

I have needles in my purse. Every time I see them my stomach turns over. I mean to take them out but I always forget when I’m at home. Now that it’s here, I’m terrified of the shots. There are so many.

I know it’ll be fine. Millions of women have done this and survived. I remind myself that the shots are temporary; lots of people have to take shots their entire lives just to stay alive. I can suck it up for 2 months.

I’m hoping that these feelings don’t last; I’m hoping that I start to get excited and hopeful and do all that positive thinking business. Right now though, it just isn’t happening.

I think I’ll blame the pills for that too. That’s fair, right?

5 Responses

You’ve already taken some pretty big steps to get to this point. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’re right, two months will be gone in a flash. Hugs!!

  • a. go take the needles out of your purse. right now. shudder.
    b. im guessing the hormones are at least part of the reason you feel so angsty about starting this process. Not that I’m giving advice or anything, but recognize that how you feel at this moment about this process may not be what your true deep desires are.
    c. you are awesome, strong, and incredible, and I greatly admire your tenacity. I support you like my favorite bra.

  • I remember all these emotions so well. IVF is one of the hardest things. The bcp’s and Luperon were the worst! Just try and remember, no matter what happens, this experience will make you stronger. It may not seem like it for a while, but I know it will…

  • Love you and so good to see you this past weekend. Just wasn’t long enough. I would go with Christy’s advice….she sounds sane and fun…good combo.

  • Hi there my ivf buddy!
    I have good news for you: I worried about the injections A LOT and you know what? They are really not bad at all. It is a breeze. I got my partner involved (since their involvement is ivf is already so limited I figured this would help me, and him to live the process more closely, it is working by the way…)…so he gives me all the shots. I recommend that.
    DON’T worry. There is virtually no pain, and it is a breeze….(Trust me, I never thought I would be saying this).
    Hang in there, you are doing great!
    : )

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