Everything went well today – we transferred 2 good-looking embryos and are waiting to find out if we have a couple to freeze.
It’s been a full but very good day. I’ll be back tomorrow to fill in the details but I just wanted to post that it went well because I know people are wondering.
Yes…we did want to know…because we love you. You know my friend, Marsha, and her husband, Nathan….well, they have decided to pray for you every single day until you have your baby. She asks me often how you are and where things stand. Support just keeps growing.
Hi fellow IVFer!
I am sooo happy to hear that everything has gone well. I was very impressed with the fertilization report!!! WOW! SO many good eggs. That is wonderful!
Since you transferred 2 good-looking embabies, you will have GREAT chances of success.
The 2WW is pretty unbearable, so keep yourself busy, don’t stop living, spend lots of time with your DH, and pamper yourself and you will see, it will go by fast!
I am crossing my fingers for you!
Now you have the
Two! Yay!! Rest well. Praying for you through this 2ww.
Look forward to hearing more of the details but glad to know t went well. Hope your resting days are peaceful – and fruitful!!!
Wondering people appreciate the update! Love you!