The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

I U What?


Last time we did an IUI we were very vague – to the point of evasive – about the details. No one really knew when or how things were happening. It was kind of lonely.

This time we’re potentially crossing into the Land of TMI to give you the details.

It feels really weird to talk about, especially when I’m not totally sure who’s in the audience, but I figure if you can just google it to learn what it is, I may as well just talk about it.

So be ready for that.

In the meantime….

We haven’t just been ordering pizzas and drinking wine for the past 3 months (though that sounded extremely appealing…). We’ve been trying to give ourselves an extra boost by eating the right foods. Fish, fruits, veggies, whole grains, sunflower seeds, etc. Darek has been eating vegetables like they’re going out of style. He takes a huge container of them to work every day. I know there are a lot of guys his age whose food tastes haven’t matured past the age of 10, so I’m pretty impressed.

Of course, all the dietary changes in the world won’t fix serious problems, but we figure it can’t hurt, and may even help us out a little.

We spent a Saturday in January reading through a really great book titled “Making Babies.” It had a lot of great stuff and I’d highly recommend it to anyone dealing with IF.

The book said that oranges help fertility and prevent early miscarriages, but I think I may have bought too many at once:


Since that photo, I’ve eaten all of those and bought another box. If I never eat another orange, clementine, tangelo, etc. again, I think I’ll be ok with that.

Darek’s also been doing acupuncture, but if you want those details you’ll have to ask him about that. I’m not super sure what’s going on with that.

2 Responses

I’d be interested in hearing the TMI details. Is that weird? 🙂

  • I own Making Babies – great book! I’ve referenced it numerous times since I read it last year.

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