The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.



We’re halfway though the shots: 2 down, 2 to go. I’m supposed to have the next one tomorrow and the last one on Friday. I’m a little worried though that Friday might be too late. I’m going to call the RE the minute they open in the morning to voice my concerns. I know their clock is 2 minutes ahead of my phone’s clock.

Yup, I go there a lot.

The shots really aren’t that bad. Still, I always get extremely nervous starting about 30 minutes before each one. I hate needles. I always freak out the person with the needle because they think I’m about to pass out, and then I have to explain that I’m just a big baby, please just get it over with. I hate needles.

It kind of weirds me out that this is in our house:


At the moment, I’m driving myself insane. I just might give myself a heart attack. I’m terrified that something’s going to happen to cancel the IUI.

We’ve waited so long for this.

4 Responses

all fingers, toes, and other crossable appendages are duly crossed.

  • When is your first U/S follie check??? I’m not gonna tell your to relax or have faith or any of that crap people told me. It means a lot….and waiting for this for so long adds to the pressure. Your in my thoughts!!!
    Had my IUI done today!!!! Apparently I’m in the 1% that has horrible cramping, go figure! LOL But hopefully the boys are getting the job done right now!!

  • Do you remember me taking splinters out of your fingers? My method was to use a sterilized needle. I’d like to say you were brave but the truth is I was probably just too rough. I’m sorry for the part I played in your aversion to needles.

  • Sandie – best of luck to you!! Sorry you were in that 1% though. 🙁

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