The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

the day


If I could assign just one adjective to describe an IUI, it would probably be “surreal.”

It’s truly bizarre.

This is the TMI post. Consider yourselves warned.

First the “sample” is delivered to the special office behind the main office, where they “wash” the little guys to weed out the bad ones. You don’t want to put the abnormally shaped and slow ones in there, so they only use the good ones. Then we go back about an hour later to do the procedure.

Going to the RE’s office on Saturday was really weird. We were the only ones there. Between that and being so familiar with the place, I actually threw my sweater across the waiting room to Darek while I was heading off to the bathroom.We didn’t even have to wait; they were ready for us. The office isn’t actually open on Saturdays, but if that’s the day your IUI or sonogram falls on, that’s the day they do it.

They brought us back to a room, where I got ready. The doctor came in to go over the numbers with us, which were pretty good – and definitely much better than last time (yay!!). The IUI itself takes just a couple of minutes. They put the spermies in a catheter and inject them directly into the uterus.

Imagine yourself in a room with a doctor, nurse, and your husband – and this is happening.

Bizarre-o, right?

We feel pretty hopeful. Not counting on this one working, but hoping it does. The doctor said we can do one more round, and if both fail, we move onto something else. Not sure what that is, and hopefully we won’t have to find out.

Now we just wait.

9 Responses

Thinking of you guys!! That is bizarre, but it makes perfect sense! How cool!

  • Love you!!

  • Wow, I thought there would be more to it than that. Wishing you lots of luck in your 2ww!

  • Welcome to the 2ww!!! FX’ed for you!! I’m already 3dpiui!

  • i don’t even know what that last comment means! =)

    Hope you got my text yesterday, I set my alarm and woke up early and prayed for you guys specifically…then went back to sleep. =) Fingers still crossed….

  • just catching up on your blog. so excited for you!

  • stacie, our computer at home is not working well. So, I can’t comment when I want to. I am so excited about all of this.
    I told you that I am lighting a candle every day for you and last night I lit the candle and forgot about it….so, it was burning all night for you. I think that it was supposed to. I know, I know…that is dangerous but it was fine. It is a big candle with a huge glass globe all around it.
    love you.

  • You and Darek have my constant prayers for success. Love you.

  • Just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you today, and everyday!

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