The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

this time


I have a hard time finding the right words. After all the Hope I was just left with Empty.

Most people already know by now that it didn’t work. Again. Of course.

This one has been, by far, the hardest to bounce back from. I don’t know if it was because of our high hopes, the good numbers, or a combination, but it’s hard to move on from it. We were so hopeful.

I kept myself busy and distracted immediately after the news, and I’d hoped that would soften the blow. I spent a week in Seattle and it was great; I’ve actually been back for less than 24 hours. Today is the first time I’ve been alone and the quiet is overwhelming. It’s back to reality today, and reality is hard.

Meanwhile, other people continue to get pregnant left and right, almost always with little to no effort. Even the infertile people seem to be getting pregnant more frequently these days – don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for them, I truly am, but it still always feels like another slap for me. We’re closing in on 3 and a half years of this. When will it be my turn? Will it ever be? I struggle with the very real possibility that it may never be.

Life is full of uncertainty these days. In a lot of ways, I feel like I’m going backwards. But we’re finally taking off several “holds” we’ve put on life over the last few years. I have no idea what life will be like in a year. Everything is up in the air at the moment.

Our eight year wedding anniversary was last week. Eight years and no kids. It was kind of a tough day, even if I hadn’t gotten yet another pregnancy announcement first thing that morning. So many years have gone by.

My trip to Seattle meant we had to skip a month, but even if we could have jumped immediately into another IUI cycle, we wouldn’t have. I feel emotionally drained. I just don’t have what it takes to do it all again right away. The plan is to do another one around the end of this month, but I’m not ready to put my heart into it just yet.

I’ve almost been surprised about how hard this has been. At one point I remember thinking “how can it hurt so much to lose something I never even had?” It feels silly to grieve so deeply for something that was never even real.

But it feels terrible.

10 Responses

Stacie I feel so deeply concerened for you and Darek. Please just remember you are always on my mind day and night. Always here for you and Darek.

  • I’m so sorry. 8 years of marriage (this coming October) and no kids for us either. About 3 years of trying as well. It just sucks and it hurts and sometimes it feels like my heart couldn’t possibly be any more broken. I feel for you.

  • No success here yet either. It sure does feel like even the infertiles are all getting knocked up these days.

    I have been trying hard this year to take off all the “holds” that we have put on our lives. It’s sad to admit, but I am living like none of this treatment, or even adoption, is going to work. It could all fall through, and I can’t live my life like that anymore.

    So we planned a trip for next year, and we’re letting go of the “what ifs” that follow us around. If I am pregnant when we have something else going on, great — we’ll make it work.

    Anyways….. all that to say… I’m so very sorry this was not your turn. Don’t give up on hope. But don’t give up on life, either.

  • Love u Stacie.

  • I am very sorry it didn’t happen this time. My fingers are crossed for the next time, good luck!

    I myself am moving on to IVF after 5 unsuccessful IUI attempts.

  • My heart is breaking for you and Derek. I want you to know that I pray for the two of you daily and I know at this point that may not feel like much, but know that you are on my heart and my mind. I am so so sorry.

  • I’m so sorry Stacie & Darek. I know these feelings can be overwhelming. Your mom and I are here for you and want to be a part of your life, no matter the storyline, no matter the phase, the feelings or fears. I know we’re not always great at understanding but we are trying. I sometimes hear you and think that I’ve heard myself say similar things… for me, it’s about work. I know the matter of work is different, but feeling stuck and the cycles of hope and despair are all too familiar.

    Hugs & prayers,

  • I heard a stat recently that 1 in 6 couples experience infertility issues. Sounded awfully high and I thought of you and that birth really is something of a miracle – so many things must go right. Sadly you don’t get guarantees in life. I wish for you resilience and a knowing that you’re loved and valued beyond words.

  • Stacie, my hope for you and Darek is still alive and well. I am hurting with you and thinking about you every single day. I mean that….every single day. I hope you feel my love for you and Darek today, right now, wrapped around you and trying to fill the empty spots. You are precious to me and I hate it when you hurt.

  • Honestly, I don’t know what to say. I also realize that saying nothing is worse. I love you both so much, my heart breaks for you. It’s hard to type with the tears in my eyes. I love you both so much and not a day goes by that I’m not thinking of you both. Love you so much……….

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