The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

not so great


When the doctor came in the room for the IUI, he had some bad news. They like to have at least 10 million sperm to go forward with an IUI, but we only had one million. I know that one million sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t.

He left us alone for several minutes so that we could decide whether we wanted to proceed. He said the chances weren’t very good, and that we may not want to spend the money. But we decided to go ahead since it was the end of the IUI train.

Either way, the next step is a meeting with the doctor to discuss the next step, which I’m sure is IVF.

So we did the IUI, knowing that our chances are low, and knowing that it probably won’t work.

I know that it’s possible, and I know that the best cycles can result in nothing and that the worst cycles can sometimes lead to a baby, but I feel grounded instead of Hope-y Floaty.

We’re already looking ahead to the possibility of IVF and talking about finances. But that’s a whole other post.

I don’t know why we continue to go backwards instead of forwards, but I’m glad we’re reaching the end of the IUI road, because it was mostly a tease, and it’s gone on for far too long.

I debated about even sharing any of this, because I can’t help feeling like it doesn’t even matter. But if you see me and I’m not looking terribly excited or hopeful, now you know why.

2 Responses

Aww, I’m sorry Stacie.

  • Thank you for sharing; now I no how you really feel about your most recent IUI. I love you and I’m still hopeful for you & Darek. Mom

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