The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

here we go again


A few people pointed out to me that I hadn’t really made it clear when our next IUI would be – but it’s supposed to be this month.

I go in tomorrow for my Day 2 sonogram to make sure everything looks ok. They make sure there are no cysts, check the lining of my uterus to see if it’s the right thickness, and draw blood to check levels of something (horrible, I know; I should know all this by now).

If everything is ok, I think I’ll be starting shots tomorrow. Woo hoo! I get to put them in a cooler and drive them to Amarillo and have D give me shots at my parents’ apartment. Fun! Pick me!

Actually that doesn’t really bother me anymore. I’m just ready to get this going.

For our last IUI, I took clomid (a pill) on Days 5-9 and did FSH injections (shots) on Days 7, 9, and 11, going in for a sonogram between Day 3-5 and one more on Day 12.  This IUI is going to be different.

No clomid (good riddance – that stuff is pure freaking evil. I can’t even put into words my intense hatred of the stuff; it’s treated me badly in too many ways).  

Injections starting Day 2 and lasting for about a week. Every day at the same time (between 7:00-9:00pm). I’m a little hazy on the details since I was given them seconds after bad news several months ago, but I believe I go in for sonograms starting Day 5 and have them every other day for awhile. I’ll have more details tomorrow I’m sure.

I’m ready for tomorrow. I’m ready for this whole thing. Let’s do it!