The Eternal Guest Room

Infertility kinda sucks.

I U What?


Last time we did an IUI we were very vague – to the point of evasive – about the details. No one really knew when or how things were happening. It was kind of lonely.

This time we’re potentially crossing into the Land of TMI to give you the details.

It feels really weird to talk about, especially when I’m not totally sure who’s in the audience, but I figure if you can just google it to learn what it is, I may as well just talk about it.

So be ready for that.

In the meantime….

We haven’t just been ordering pizzas and drinking wine for the past 3 months (though that sounded extremely appealing…). We’ve been trying to give ourselves an extra boost by eating the right foods. Fish, fruits, veggies, whole grains, sunflower seeds, etc. Darek has been eating vegetables like they’re going out of style. He takes a huge container of them to work every day. I know there are a lot of guys his age whose food tastes haven’t matured past the age of 10, so I’m pretty impressed.

Of course, all the dietary changes in the world won’t fix serious problems, but we figure it can’t hurt, and may even help us out a little.

We spent a Saturday in January reading through a really great book titled “Making Babies.” It had a lot of great stuff and I’d highly recommend it to anyone dealing with IF.

The book said that oranges help fertility and prevent early miscarriages, but I think I may have bought too many at once:


Since that photo, I’ve eaten all of those and bought another box. If I never eat another orange, clementine, tangelo, etc. again, I think I’ll be ok with that.

Darek’s also been doing acupuncture, but if you want those details you’ll have to ask him about that. I’m not super sure what’s going on with that.



The nurse called me as I was driving home from the longest morning ever at the library (yes, I broke my rule, but I was at a stop light for 90% of the call and 100% of the time when I was writing) and we get to move ahead!!! My estrogen levels were 29.5, whatever that means. I don’t really care, I’m just glad they’re good. Google said I might have cancer, so the phone call was double-good news.

Stupid google.

I start taking clomid on Good Friday and Darek will start giving me shots on Easter.

How lucky am I?!?


Time to go order some needles!


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I went in for my sonogram this morning and Sono Stacy (it’s easy to remember a name when it’s yours) measured two “complex masses” that are probably cysts. One on each ovary.

She sent me to a room to wait while the nurses decided my fate. The nurses decided to ask the doctor. The doctor decided I  needed bloodwork to make the decision.

So I had my blood drawn for the 8 millionth time  and the nurse said they’ll call sometime today to let me know if we can do the IUI.

COME ON. Really? All this waiting, and now this??

If we can’t do the IUI I think I just might lose my mind.

Ring, phone, ring…


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The three month wait is finally over. The outcome is what we expected, though still disappointing.

Tomorrow I go in for my first sonogram to see if everything is A-OK to proceed with the IUI. I get to go in at 7:30am, which I’m very excited about, since I won’t have to wait any longer than I have to.

We’re super ready.

Keep you posted.



Today is one of those days where this is all-consuming. Most days I can push it to the back of my mind, but today it’s in the forefront and everything else is shuffling around behind it.

It’s been a rough week. And the days are dragging because it’s our last week before starting the IUI process. I’m acutely aware of the passing of time this week. It’s been way too long.

Sometimes I feel like I’m not doing anything except watching the time go by.

It’s also been a busy week. I’m afraid if I stop doing things, it won’t be pretty. So I try to keep going.

Tonight’s activities include a counseling session and my first support group meeting. Not that either of those will take my mind off things, but at least it’ll be moving in the right direction.

I can’t believe it’s already time for easter. I feel so sad.


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this week.

will not.


3 years and counting


There’s a quote I liked when I was younger: “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” But now I don’t entirely agree with it – I think we do remember days, especially with the passing of time. Anniversaries especially are days of remembrance. But there’s one anniversary where there will be no cards, no facebook messages, no notice except for our own – the anniversary of the time you start trying.

Today is our three year “anniversary” of trying to start a family. Three years have gone by, entirely too quickly though the days felt so long, and we’re still waiting. In the beginning we thought it would happen within 3 months, tops. Maybe 4. Like it does for “everybody else.” I took my first pregnancy test on our 5-year wedding anniversary, thinking wouldn’t this be neat? Now we’re nearing 8 years of marriage and we buy those sticks in bulk.

I can’t bring myself to call this thing a journey, or a path, or anything poetic like that. It’s just a thing, and it has gone on for a very long time, and it hangs over everything.

It feels like we’ve been left behind. Of most of the people we know, we started first, and we’ll be finishing last, if we finish at all. We can’t help remembering it’s been 3 years when other people’s kids are turning 2.

Three years – I was so, so, so very much hoping we wouldn’t pass this mark. It feels unreal. I can barely remember life before this. I remember passing two years and thinking the same thing – turns out three is much worse.

I remember days. There were so many days that I knew weren’t our month – a wedding anniversary, the day before my sister’s wedding, the day we found out somone was pregnant, the day we flew back from a trip where I had been so sure it would happen by then. Those are days that I remember.

These past 3 years are blurry when I think back on them. Darek got a new job, we went to Scotland for our 5-year anniversary, we went to Mexico for my 30th birthday (as a “consolation prize” for not being pregnant), I turned not only 30 but also 31, Darek had surgery, I had surgery, I grew a business that was successful for awhile, we both got “new” cars.

And there were moments.

I held my newborn neice and was simultaneously filled with overwhelming grief and love. We watched the most incredible sunset for an hour over a small bay in a small town on a beautiful island in Scotland. I watched my middle sister walk down the aisle and couldn’t hold back tears of joy. We stood on the beach and let the waves wash over our feet.

And there were the pertinent milestones.

The upsetting day of the initial diagnosis. Watching Darek being wheeled into surgery. The phone call to say the problem had been fixed. The first time I took fertility drugs. The day the last round of the drugs failed. The first visit to the RE. The lonely first time I had a sonogram – in the room where couples rejoice at the sound of the first heartbeat – to see if my empty insides were ok. The first time Darek gave me a shot – just before Thanksgiving. The day of our first IUI. The moment I knew it failed. The day we learned a growth had kept anything from happening for months and maybe years. The day I laid on the table of an operating room, staring at the ceiling in terror. The long three months that are coming to an end as we give up the hope of success without intervention.

My God, this is long. But the years have been too.



I feel so discouraged.

facebook sucks


So everybody knows about Facebook – the social website designed solely for the purpose of announcing your pregnancy, giving constant updates on your pregnancy, commenting on other people’s pregnancies, and then posting constant photos of your child once it’s born.

Wait, that’s not what it’s for?

I’m being facetious of course. Obviously that’s not what it’s for – but to me, it feels like it sometimes. Of course, in my Facebook feed, nobody is pregnant or has small children. Discovering the “hide” feature was one of the best days of my life. I’m not even sure who I’m friends with sometimes because I haven’t seen their updates in years. Unfortunately “friends'” comments to hidden “friends” still pop up, as do other things.

It probably sounds really immature but I tend to get really upset when certain things show up. So I do my best to stay away from Facebook. There’s no need to torture myself more than I already do. But I do break down on occasion and go back there. Always at the worst time – like the day when yet another newlywed makes their announcement or the day maternity photos are posted or some other depressing thing.

I’ve considered deleting my account, and one of these days it might come to that point. I’ve considered de-friending people, but I don’t want to be totally rude. For now, I just try to stay away.

I’ve already made some decisions for the future, if I ever have the chance to implement them. I will never use an ultrasound photo for my profile picture – Lame! I will never complain about the inconveniences of being pregnant – Annoying! I will not post offensive things such as “having children is the only reason to live” or “you can’t know real love until you have a child” or similar such things – Rude!

You might be thinking: “Yeah, you say that now, but you’ll change your mind.” I won’t. After 3+ years of this, I’m hypersensitive in a crazy way, not only to my feelings but to others’ as well, and that isn’t just going to melt away anytime soon.

I’m having a bad week and feeling extra grumpy today. Can you tell?

life on hold

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We often feel stuck. It’s really hard to make plans or set goals. Even though we’ve been through a lot, it feels like we’re right where we started. I thought that these last 3 years would be full of change, but the truth is that almost nothing has changed.

It’s hard to make plans for the future; we don’t really know how to plan. Things get pushed back, first in months and then in years. We play around with the idea of moving, but when we thought we really had a chance at having kids last year Darek found a new job in Plano, instead of trying to move to another state.

We bought our 3 bedroom house partly because we thought there’d be a kid or two to use the 3rd room. We haven’t really decorated or finished it as a guest room, because we keep hoping that it might be getting changed into a nursery. So it just collects junk and boxes and random stuff, and when people visit us we rearrange and move all the boxes so it’s habitable for them.

All around me, people are moving forward. Getting new jobs, starting families, adding to families, moving to new places. And I’m in the same place I was 3 years ago, and not by choice. I feel utterly and completely stuck. Darek has fortunately found a new and much better job, so at least there’s that, but as for me…

I’ve worked at the library for 6 years; I never intended to be there more than three. As for the photo business, I only have 3 weddings booked for the whole year. That seems to be stuck, too. I consider moving more into children’s portraits because I really enjoy them, but it’s hard to really put my heart into that. I can hardly think about maternity pictures.

So I’m just here, stuck, and not really sure what to do. It’s paralyzing. We’re so, so ready to move forward. This is getting so old.